Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Types of Alternative Energy

1. Hydro Power.
This is formed by using a small water generator that is known as micro-hybrid turbines that are put into the flowing water’s stream. (The big water generator aren’t alternative energy)
2. Solar Power This type of alternative energy is made by converting sunlight into electricity using cells make from silicon, which, when it is exposed to sunlight it will create an electric charge.
3. Wind Power.
This energy is created by a turbine that is placed on a tall tower and uses wind to kinetically produce electricity.
4. Ethanol.
This is one alternative fuel that is made to replace gasoline in vehicles. It is made from ethyl alcohol, which is a common alcohol that is made using corn or wheat.
5. Biodiesel
This is an alternative fuel that is for petroleum diesel and is made from vegetable oils and animal fats.
6. Hydrogen.
This alternative energy is the most abundant element in the world and it can be made from fossil fuels, biomass or by electrolyzing water.

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